Australian & New Zealand Folktales

We haven't been able to find lots of books containing folktales from Australia and New Zealand. While we're sure they're out there, the shelves in Oklahoma are not just jammed with them

Of course, we can link you to our favorite Aussie Writer, Mem Fox:

Mem Fox's Site

Here are some other on-line collections worth checking out:

Bensenville Library Resources

I Earn Folktale Project


Please drop us a line if you come up with a source for trade books we can use on this page. We would appreciate your input.

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Disclaimer ---

This site was created by Diane Brown and Michelle Madden to fulfill requirements for an Oklahoma State University graduate class. This site is not considered to be child-safe because some of the sites referenced within this site link to the world wide web.

This page last updated April 24, 2003